Year 11 English Advanced tutoring

Backed by the academy's ecosystem and with a cap of 4 students per class, this is the most powerful private English tuition in NSW.

Unlimited private group tutorials

Unlimited weekly marking

36 video analyses + hundreds of notes

Take the 3 week trial

Private group tutorial + unlimited additional tutorials

Join one of the most personalised HSC English tutoring programs in NSW. Every week, you attend 1 permanent tutorial with a max of 3 other students and a dedicated 99+ ATAR tutor who will be responsible for your growth every single week. On top of this, tutorials run every day and almost every hour of the week, meaning you can book into as many tutorials as you like with no additional cost.


weekly time slots with 99+ ATAR


max students per session only


dedicated tutor assigned to you


homework every single week

4:30 - 9pm

tutorials available during weekdays

9am - 9pm

tutorials available during weekdays

How unlimited marking works

Our tutorial system is one of the best kept secrets of the HSC. For over 10 years, we have offered semi-private tutorials at almost every hour of every week to allow students to get the help they need, whenever they need, in the most personalised way.

This is on top of your permanent weekly tutorial, meaning you get direct access to all of our tutors for the duration of your course.

Many state rankers have walked through our doors, and our tutorial system is one of the most loved aspects of their HSC tutoring experience.

A private teacher
+ a team of dedicated teachers

Marko Beocanin

Marko Beocanin

99.95 ATAR

Dux of Normanhurst Boys

8th in NSW for English Adv

1st in English Adv (98)

1st in English Ext. 1

Sophie Han

Sophie Han

99.55 ATAR

AR at James Ruse

1st in English Adv (96)

2nd in English Ext. 1 (98)

1st in English Ext. 2

Bowen Ren

Bowen Ren

99.70 ATAR

AR at Epping Boys

4th in English Adv

3rd in Chemistry (95)

3rd in Physics

Alice Sharma

Alice Sharma

99.55 ATAR

AR at North Sydney Girls

1st in English Adv

2nd in Economics

Lianzhi Li

Lianzhi Li

99.10 ATAR

AR at North Sydney Boys

97 in English Adv (9th)

96 in English Ext. 1 (6th)

Chapter by chapter
in-depth video analysis

Every significant line is broken down by a 99+ ATAR tutor to expand your understanding.

Line by line
in-depth written analysis

On top of your weekly and video analysis, students receive hundreds of pages of in-depth written analysis produced by our state ranking team of English tutors.

Contributing tutors:

Marko Beocanin

99.95 ATAR, Normanhurst Boys

8th in NSW for English Adv. (98)

Freya Osterberg

99.55 ATAR, Hornsby Girls

1st in English Adv. (96)

Sophie Han

99.55 ATAR, Hornsby Girls

1st in English Adv. (96)

Alice Sharma

99.55 ATAR, North Sydney Girls

1st in English Adv. (96)

Access our ecosystem

Project Academy is more than just classes and tutorials. It's a fully-featured system designed to make your learning easier.

Unlimited tutorials

Receive personalised support with Project and school work. Unlimited, so you can book as many as you want.

Daily help till 9pm

Got a late night burning question? Receive help from the best HSC tutors in Sydney.

Marked homework

Receive detailed feedback on your work, so you can improve your understanding.

Holiday Program

Access to our flagship PROCON holiday workshops. Accelerate ahead of your peers.

Silent Study Spaces

Silent study sanctuaries exclusive to our students, perfect for uninterrupted work. Open till 9pm daily.

Wellbeing & Support

The HSC is a stressful and we get it. Speak our staff anytime if you feel the need for extra support.

Recorded Lessons

Need a refresher on a topic? All lessons are recorded and are available directly from your iPad.

LEAP Exam Program

12x predicted mock HSC exams. A proven way to improve your grades, available for all HSC subjects.

Your own iPad

Our digital ecosystem gives you easy access to Project Academy’s resources. Use anytime, anywhere.

Your own iPad

Our digital ecosystem gives you easy access to Project Academy’s resources. Use anytime, anywhere.

Library app

A library of all past papers, for all assessments tasks in NSW.

Analytics app

Track your progress, broken down by homework sets, and topics.

Course Schedule

Term 1 (Jan)

  • Creative writing
  • Discursive writing
  • Persuasive writing
  • Reflections
  • Workshops
  • Assessments
Term 2 (Apr)

  • Short answers
  • Text study: Poetry
  • Essays 1
  • Essays 2
  • Multimodals
  • Exams
Term 3 (Jul)

  • Othello Text:
  • Intro
  • Context
  • Scene by Scene Analysis - Act 1
  • Scene by Scene Analysis - Act 2
  • Scene by Scene Analysis - Act 3
  • Scene by Scene Analysis - Act 4
  • Scene by Scene Analysis - Act 5
  • Characters
  • Themes
  • Building Your Othello Essay Part 1
  • Building Your Othello Essay Part 2
Term 4 (Oct)

  • HSC English begins

Join Project Academy

Approx. $48 hourly rate for the 3 hour weekly class. Unlimited Marking for no extra charge. Subscription pauses during holidays.

At $579 per four weeks, no lock ins

Class + unlimited marking

Multi-subject discount available

3h Weekly Class

All Resources with Project Academy iPad

Online Messaging with Tutors

Exams Marked by Tutors

Homeworked Marked by Tutors

Access to Unlimited Tutorials Daily

Access to Study Spaces


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NSW's Top 1% Tutors

Unlimited Tutorials

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