7 Tactics to Defeat Burnouts from Studying At Home

Overcoming those feelings starts with getting work done and building momentum...

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Project Academy


Question: Tips on studying at home? Been feeling unproductive and burnt out recently :((

Rishabh Jain – Head of Product & Head of Chemistry

For me, overcoming those feelings starts with feeling like you are getting work done and building momentum. First, I want you to know that if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the things you need to do, the challenges you are facing are very valid. A lot of other students that I am talking to are feeling the same way as you might be, and I remember countless times when I felt hopeless with exams coming up, both in high school and uni. ‍ There are five things I have learnt:

1. Trust the process of consistent effort

  • After a few hours of study one day, you won’t feel like you have achieved much. But if you repeat this every day for a week, or a month, you would have made exponential gains.

  • However: a single day missed can ruin that process of improvement. Be consistent.

2. Respect every minute

  • I need you to make sure you are being intentional with every minute of your day. This means putting in some study at the dinner table while you’re waiting for the food to be ready. It means waking up 10 mins earlier to revise a small section of your notes. It means taking intentional rest periods where you are truly having a break, and not scrolling on your phone in this time.

  • Every minute adds up to either help you achieve greatness, or to keep you where you are. ‍

3. Prioritise your weakest areas

  • Create a game plan for each subject, know exactly what you are weak in (use your previous school exams, homeworks, LEAP Exams to help you find this).

  • Work on bringing your weakest topics and subjects up first. These will give you the biggest jumps in the smallest amount of time. ‍

4. Use alternative modes of studying

  • The thing I found helpful for me to learn is online videos. I found some really amazing channels that teach concepts in beautiful ways and that helped me understanding mnemonics, different perspectives etc. which really clicked with me (especially when the teacher, textbook etc. didn’t).

  • Use peer groups - teach your friends, mark each other’s essays and responses, etc. This is frowned upon by students but it is extremely beneficial!

  • Use flowcharts, flashcards, drawings, monologues etc. to help you remember detail and concepts ‍

5. Use questions to help you remember concepts

I had about 200+ pages of notes for Physics, Chemistry and Biology each before trials. There was NO way I was going to remember all of it, but that’s exactly what I tried to do. I tried to sit down and memorise everything, which became a complete waste, because most of it didn’t come up.

  • Pick up a past paper. Go through it until you hit your first roadblock (content gap). Go back to your notes/resources and write down what you need in order to do that question. Use papers and Project HW/exams to find similar questions, and see if you can use that knowledge to answer those questions. If you can’t, go back to your notes or research online until you get enough information. ‍

I hope that helps! Please remember that I’m here with you every step of the way 😊 ‍

Tanya Motiani – Operations Manager

Here are some tips and things I did to try and overcome physically:

6. Find things that calm you down and get you into the zone

  • I used to light a candle and grab myself a cup of tea so I felt relaxed and ready to grind

7. Change up your study environments

  • This may not work for everyone but I started studying everywhere but my room since in my room I got distracted easily and always had Netflix at the back of my mind… I started studying on the dining table, living room and even in my backyard at points, and it helped me feel better and made my day not feel super repetitive!

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