Resources written and curated by our 99+ ATAR and state ranking tutors.
Essays can be tough. Like, really tough.They’re made tougher still because...
Marko Beocanin
99.95 ATAR & 3 x State Ranker
The following essay was written by Project Academy English Tutor, Marko Beocanin
Marko Beocanin
99.95 ATAR & 3 x State Ranker
The following essay was written by Project Academy English Tutor, Marko Beocanin
Marko Beocanin
99.95 ATAR & 3 x State Ranker
The following essay was written by Project Academy English Tutor, Marko Beocanin
Marko Beocanin
99.95 ATAR & 3 x State Ranker
Past Paper
Past Paper
Past Paper
Past Paper
Past Paper
Past Paper
Past Paper
Past Paper
Taking my years of teaching Economics and distilling it into one post.
Aatish Budhwani
99.75 ATAR and 97 in Economics
This is my state-ranking guide to collecting statistics for HSC Economics!
Zack Bolland
99.80 ATAR, Dux, 8th in NSW for Econ
I teach you all the past paper strategy skills needed to ace your next exam.
Aatish Budhwani
99.75 ATAR and 97 in Economics
So, you want to know how to improve your preliminary and HSC economics essay...
Cory Aitchison
State Ranks (Economics and Chemistry) & 99.95 ATAR
Hi, I’m Catriona Shen, a HSC Chemistry tutor at Project Academy. Here is my guide on how to study for HSC Chemistry.
Catriona Shen
Senior HSC Chemistry Tutor, 99.75 ATAR
One of the best online resources to learn Mod 6, written by Rishabh, Trisha, and qualified teachers.
Chemistry Team
Trisha Nangia & Rishabh Jain
Learn equilibrium reactions, chemical synthesis, and organic chemistry reactions from an experienced teacher.
Grace Shim
AR at North Sydney Girls, 95 in Chemistry
I’d be lying if I told you that I enjoyed sitting my HSC...
Cory Aitchison
State Ranks (Economics and Chemistry) & 99.95 ATAR
Not everything has to be as difficult as Quantum Physics. Here is my short guide to HSC Physics.
Edward Townsend-Medlock
Head of Physics (18' - 22')
A comprehensive guide to short and long answer questions, with exemplars from Light: Quantum Model to Advanced Mechanics to Magnetic Fields.
Alicia Pan
Head of Physics, 99.80 ATAR
Your complete guide to module 6 Electromagnetism in Year 12 HSC Physics!
Cory Aitchison
State Ranks (Economics and Chemistry) & 99.95 ATAR
Studying HSC Physics? This one is for you.
Johnny Wu
Physics Tutor, 95 in Physics
We got you! This is the only guide you'll need for Module 6 of HSC Biology.
Yolanda Pu
99.40 ATAR & State Ranker
Studying HSC Biology? This one's for you. Key concepts, sample answers, and tips - all in one spot.
Beau Burrows
Biology Tutor, Band 6 in Biology
People only tell you "do more past papers", but they rarely tell you HOW to...
Alec Zhang
99.85 ATAR & North Sydney Boys Alumni
Breaking down the secrets of NSW's highest performers.
Laura Hardy
State Ranker & 99.85 ATAR
The motto that got me through the HSC was “something is better than nothing.”...
Laura Hardy
State Ranker & 99.85 ATAR
It seems that a lot of people push themselves through the HSC without any...
Ben Tran
99.40 ATAR, 16th in NSW for 3U Maths and All-rounder
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